Airline Operations

CAA SkyWise on Airline Operations


AI in Aviation: Survey summary of responses and Technology Outlook
Following our engagement survey on Artificial Intelligence (AI) earlier this year, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has published a summary of responses. This highlights the key trends across the sector and the expectations for AI in aerospace.
To support this, we have also published our first horizon scanning report for AI. This paper explores the trends relating to artificial intelligence to provide insights that feed into the CAA’s development of our first Strategy for AI. We will continue to monitor these signals and trends, and this will ensure that the strategy evolves accordingly.
Dated: August 2024

Changes to ICAO upper-air significant weather (SIGWX) forecasts
Changes and enhancements to ICAO World Area Forecast System (WAFS) Upper-Air (En-route) SIGWX Forecast information, and changes to the appearance of the WAFS SIGWX Forecast Charts produced by the ICAO World Area Forecast Centres (WAFC London and WAFC Washington) are being introduced with effect from 26 November 2024. The changes are significant to flight operations and require operator and flight-briefing system supplier action by this date. For further details refer to UK Aeronautical Information Circular AIC P 131/2024 (CHANGES TO ICAO UPPER-AIR SIGNIFICANT WEATHER (SIGWX) FORECASTS).
Dated: August 2024

Revised UK CAA Human Factors Strategy and Action Plan
We have revised the UK CAA Human Factors Strategy and published our Human Factors Action Plan 2024-2026.
People are at the core of the aviation and aerospace system and it’s important to consider and practically apply human factors in what we do.
Dated: May 2024

Minimum Equipment List Compliance Guidance
The CAA website has been updated to provide additional and enhanced guidance regarding MEL and MMELs for operators
Dated: April 2024

Safety Notice 2023/001 Updated
SN 2023/001 – Global Navigation Satellite System Outage Leading to Navigation / Surveillance Degradation.
This SN has been reissued to raise awareness, to advise Operators who may be impacted by the loss or degradation of GNSS signals, to update the affected areas and to include the newest information.
Dated: April 2024

Bilateral arrangements and agreements survey results 2023
The CAA, as an independent regulator, negotiates and enters into bilateral safety arrangements with other National Aviation Authorities (NAA).
The opinion and feedback of the UK aviation community is valuable to us and we want to better understand how you interact with third countries and international markets.
Thank you to those who took the time to complete our survey. We have now published the results.
For more information on the work of the CAA’s bilateral arrangements team refer to the CAA website.
Dated: March 2024

CAA launches AI survey
The aviation industry continues to embrace the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It already enhances safety and efficiency through predictive maintenance, aiding air traffic management, and refining pilot training with advanced insights and simulations. Understanding what AI will mean for the CAA and how it will affect the way we work and how we regulate is a crucial part of this strategy work.
We have created a survey that focuses on how we regulate AI. We would be grateful for your support in helping us to create a strategy for the safe and secure use of AI in aviation.
The survey will close Friday 29 March 2024. More information is available on the CAA website
Dated: February 2024

Response extension – VTOL using battery for propulsion
This document presents UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) position on battery handling rules for VTOL aircraft using battery for propulsion.
It highlights the overall approach to battery handling for VTOL aircraft and is directed at operators of battery or hybrid powered VTOL aircraft, operations performed using battery powered aircraft, and aerodrome operators servicing such VTOL aircraft.
The response window has been extended until 9th February 2024. We invite stakeholders to give us your views.
Dated: February 2024

Application Form Submission Service update
Following the launch of our online Application Form Submission Service (AFSS) on the CAA Customer Portal, the second (and final) wave of forms will be added to the service between Tuesday 6 and Tuesday 13 February.
To ensure you’re using the most up to date and correct form for your application please ensure you get the latest version of the form you require from the Publication Library. Forms that are to be submitted through AFSS will have guidance on how to do this at the bottom of the form.
As a reminder you can read more about AFSS on our AFSS blog
Dated: January 2024

Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413)
Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) Edition 24 is now published. This future edition incorporates editorial changes and all Supplementary Instructions to December 2023. It is effective 28 March 2024.
Radiotelephony Manual (CAP 413) provides pilots, Air Traffic Services and ground personnel with a compendium of clear, standardised phraseology and guidance, for radiotelephony (RTF) communication in UK airspace.
Dated: January 2024

Reminder – Hydrogen Challenge survey 2023
In support of our announcement launching our hydrogen challenge we want to facilitate collaboration between the regulator, industry, and academia to improve understanding of hydrogen-related risks in aviation, identify gaps in policies, and propose new recommendations to develop net-zero policies.
Please can you complete this survey to help improve our understanding of the hydrogen technology landscape. The survey will close on Monday 8th January 2024.
Contact the CAA Hydrogen Challenge team at [email protected].
Dated: January 2024

Reporting of Suspected Unapproved Parts
The UK CAA have developed a Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) webpage for use by industry as a reference when determining the acceptability of parts for fitment to aircraft or product.
The webpage gives information regarding SUP cases that have been reported and investigated along with the outcome of the investigation.
There is also guidance on the reporting of Suspected Unapproved Parts and a link to the SUP reporting form.
Dated: December 2023

Application Form Submission Service update
Following on from the launch of our online Application Form Submission Service (AFSS) on the CAA Customer Portal, the second wave of forms will be added to the service in the early part of next year.
For the forms that have gone live in the first phase please continue to submit through the Customer Portal, but please note the message you will see regarding the payment process when you submit your application.
As a reminder you can read more about AFSS in our blog.
Dated: December 2023

New AMC & GM – UK Reg (EU) 965/2012
New Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) has been published (ORS9 No 35).  This relates to requirements in UK Reg (EU) 965/2012 and include the AMC and GM for Alcohol Testing, Psychoactive Substances and Support Programmes.
The full AMC and GM packages will be published on the CAA UK Regulations website.
Dated: November 2023

Regulatory Sandbox for Hydrogen as an Aviation Fuel
The Civil Aviation Authority is inviting industry, academia, and organisations to join its Regulatory Sandbox to test hydrogen technologies that support the use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel. The tests will identify hazards, risks, safety challenges and gaps in current CAA regulations and evaluate the proposed mitigations through verification and validation.
Our intention is that the hydrogen sandbox will enable appropriate stakeholders to test hydrogen technologies and show how the proposed mitigations will either comply with or close gaps in current CAA regulations. This outcome of testing will enable the proposal of recommendations to create new hydrogen policies.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views on developing and using hydrogen as an aviation fuel.
Dated: November 2023

Global supply chain challenges affecting the industry
The UK CAA is aware of the impact that current global supply chain constraints are having on aircraft operators, which also affects production, maintenance, and operational resilience throughout the industry. As a result, guidance has been made available on our Guidance for Part CAMO approval holders webpage.
Dated: November 2023

Hydrogen Challenge survey 2023
In support of our recent announcement launching our hydrogen challenge we want to facilitate collaboration between the regulator, industry, and academia to improve understanding of hydrogen-related risks in aviation, identify gaps in policies, and propose new recommendations to develop net-zero policies.
Please can you complete this survey to help improve our understanding of the hydrogen technology landscape. The survey will close on Monday 8th January 2024.
Contact the CAA Hydrogen Challenge team at [email protected].
Dated: November 2023

Introducing the Application Form Submission Service
Following on from our previously sent communication last month, we have now launched our online Application Form Submission Service on the CAA Customer Portal for existing PDF applications. Please read our Application Form Submission service blog to find out more.
This is a phased launch. If the PDF application form that you are using has not updated yet, then please continue to submit this as you do usually; these remaining applications will be updated in the next phase of the project (due to go live at the end of November).
Dated: November 2023

UK CAA’s Safety and Airspace Regulation Group launches automated stakeholder feedback survey
We have launched an automated stakeholder feedback survey.
We invite our regulated entities to complete the short survey. We will email a link to the survey after an onsite audit or inspection has closed.
Your feedback is invaluable and will help shape improvements to our services.
‘’The UK Civil Aviation Authority is committed to delivering high-quality service to our customers and stakeholders, in line with our position as a world-class regulator.
We are a learning organisation, so I am keen that we take stakeholders’ feedback onboard and continue to put them at the heart of everything we do.”  Rob Bishton, Chief Executive, Civil Aviation Authority
Posted: November 2023

Reminder: Interim guidance with a Call for feedback for Flight Operations Using VTOL Aircraft
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is publishing a set of policy statements that outline its current approach to regulating VTOL aircraft. This set consists of policy statements on continuing airworthiness, pilot licensing and air operations.
The documents are to be viewed as interim guidance that will allow stakeholders to proceed with planning operations in line with CAA’s thinking while we continue to work with stakeholders to enhance our understanding of the technology, and proceed with rulemaking activities where necessary.
Where necessary, additional policy statements will be published to provide clarity in other policy areas.
We invite stakeholders to give us your views, the deadline for responses has been extended and they are requested by 20 November 2023.
Dated: November 2023

Guidance on Aircraft Flight Recorder Readouts
The CAA has published a revision to CAP731, which provides guidance on the Approval, Operational Serviceability and Readout of Aircraft Flight Recorders.
The revision includes updating the applicable regulation references as well as adding guidance on the maintenance requirements for Airborne Image Recorder Systems.
Dated: October 2023

Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC)
We have published a new edition of CAP 1721 Alternative Means of Compliance. The Revision History highlights the changes.
Dated: October 2023

Bilateral Arrangements and Agreements Survey 2023
The CAA, as an independent regulator, negotiates and enters into bilateral safety arrangements with other National Aviation Authorities (NAA).
The opinion and feedback of the UK aviation community is valuable to us and we want to better understand how you interact with third countries and international markets.
As end-users of the arrangements, we are looking for your feedback on the functioning of current arrangements and would like to explore the views of the UK industry for future engagements. Please complete our survey.
Your input will be treated confidentially, and we will not disclose any individual responses.
For more information on the work of the CAA’s BASA team refer to the CAA website.
Dated: October 2023

Gastroenteritis in aircrew
Gastroenteritis is a common condition and is the most frequent cause of in-flight impairment or incapacitation.
We have published new guidance with practical tips to help avoid infection, what to do in the event of becoming unwell before or during a flight and how to manage the symptoms of gastroenteritis and fitness to fly.
Further information can be found through the health promotion pages of our website.
Dated: September 2023

The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regs 2023
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2023 (SI 2023 No. 588) was laid before Parliament on 30 May, which amends:
UK Regulation (EU) 748/2012 (Initial Airworthiness)
UK Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 (Continuing Airworthiness)
UK Regulation (EU) 2018/395 (Balloons)
UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (Sailplanes)
A table setting out the various dates upon which the amendments made by this SI will come into force and can be found at Details of retained EU law amended by The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2023.
Updated consolidated versions of the Regulations, incorporating the amendments, will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available.
Dated: May 2023

Safeguarding against runway incursions
A new two-part podcast series about runway incursions is out now.
The series describes an incident that took place in the UK and features the CAA’s Principal Aerodrome Inspector, a commercial pilot and an air traffic controller who share their perspectives and discuss the safety guidance in this area.
The second episode looks at how airports manage the risk of runway incursions and features Heathrow Airport’s Head of Airside Operations Trevor Waldock.
You’ll hear about the safety guidance and procedures that are followed at airports and the importance of a ‘just culture’ where everyone is encouraged to report safety concerns and incidents.
Both episodes are available at CAA Safety Files.
Dated: May 2023

Freezing Orders and Sanctions (CAP 797 – SI 2023/02)
The purpose of this Supplementary Instruction (SI) is to detail changes made to the Flight Information Service Officer (FISO) Manual (CAP 797) to align enforcement actions and sanctions with the Manual of Air Traffic Services – Part 1 (CAP 493) by removing the term ‘Mareva injunction’ and adding guidance on Sanctions imposed by His Majesty’s Government.
Dated: April 2023

Are you ready for CBTA for Dangerous Goods?
From 1 January 2023, all employers of personnel performing functions aimed at ensuring that dangerous goods are transported in accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions (TI) must establish and maintain a dangerous goods training programme that includes a competency based approach to training and assessment (CBTA).
In the UK, this includes, but may not be limited to, the following entities:
•    Operators approved to transport dangerous goods.
•    Operators not approved to transport dangerous goods.
•    Ground handling and cargo agents.
•    Freight forwarders.
•    Shippers of dangerous goods
Further information on the implementation of CBTA can be found on the CAA website.
Dated: December 2022

Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) (Amendment) Regs 2022
The Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No. 1289) was made in parliament on 6 December 2022 and comes into force on 1 January 2023.
This is to amend the definition of ICAO Technical Instructions by referring to the 2023-2024 edition. See SI 2022 No. 1289 which includes an Explanatory Note.
Consolidated versions of the amended Regulations will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available.
Dated: December 2022

New AMC & GM – UK Reg (EU) 965/2012
New Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) has been published (ORS9 No 15), and relates to several requirements in UK Reg (EU) 965/2012.
These include the requirements for assessing and reporting runway surface conditions, power supply to cockpit voice recorders, in-flight recording for light aircraft, commercial air transport operation of certain aeroplanes without an ETOPS approval, operations in airspace where performance-based communication and surveillance, new technical standards on first-aid oxygen dispensing units, de-icing/anti-icing ground procedures and life jacket stowage.
The full AMC and GM packages will be published on the CAA UK Regulations website.
Dated: November 2022

Cabin Crew Attestations and Medical Reports
The UK’s transition from the EU ends at the end of 2022 and from 1 January 2023 all cabin crew operating with a UK AOC holder will require a UK-issued attestation.
Cabin crew medical reports issued prior to 1 January 2021 by an Aero Medical Examiner (AME) holding approval in an EU Member State, or an Occupational Health Practitioner (OHMP) practising in an EU Member State, remain valid until they expire. Cabin crew medical reports issued by EU Member State AMEs or OHMPs after 1 January 2021 are not recognised in the UK.
Cabin crew holding a medical report issued in an EU Member State who become unfit prior to the expiry of their report, should consult a UK-certificated AME or UK OHMP.
Crew may hold both an EASA and UK CAA attestation.
Dated: October 2022

Met Office Volcanic Ash Webinar
In response to interest from the aviation community the Met Office invite you to a Volcanic Ash webinar on Wednesday 28 September 14:00-15:00.The hour-long session will focus on:
> Overview of the response process and products provided by Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) London
> Communications between VAAC London and VAAC Toulouse
> Future product developments
> Question and Answer session
Find out more and register for this online webinar via Eventbrite:
Dated: September 2022

The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No. 637) was laid in parliament on 10 June 2022 which amends:
UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (Sailplanes)
UK Regulation (EU) 2018/395 (Balloons)
UK Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011 (Aircrew), and
UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 (Unmanned Aircraft)
on 1 July 2022 and
UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (Basic Regulation)
on 1 July 2022 and 1 January 2023
See The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulation 2022 (SI 2022 No. 637) and its Explanatory Memorandum.
Consolidated versions of the amended Regulations will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available.
Dated: June 2022

The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022 (SI No. 321) was laid in Parliament today, and comes into force on 13 April 2022, amending the Air Navigation Order 2016. The primary purpose of the Amending Order is to update references to the Basic Regulation, as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) pursuant to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
For full details of the amendments see Statutory Instrument: The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022. More information is available in the Explanatory Memorandum: The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022.
A consolidated version of the amended Air Navigation Order 2016 will be published on the CAA website as soon as it is available.
Dated: March 2022

NOTAM Q-Code change: Hang gliding and Paragliding
The Q-Code for Hang gliding/Paragliding activities is “WP” (parachute jumping exercise (PJE), paragliding and hang gliding). If a NOTAM relates to paragliding/hang gliding the use of “WP” can be misleading if taken to indicate a PJE instead of paragliding/hang gliding.
The flight characteristics and risks associated with paragliding/hang gliding are closer to glider flying than a PJE and ICAO have approved an amendment to “WG” (the Q-Code for Glider Flying) which will become the Q-Code for “Glider flying, paragliding or hang gliding”.
This change will be implemented by the UK NOTAM Office on the 1 March 2022.
Dated: March 2022

The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022
This Skywise is to advise that The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022 was published in draft on the 24 January 2022.  It is expected to come into force on 13 April 2022. The primary purpose of the Amending Order is to update references to the Basic Regulation, as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) pursuant to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
For full details see Draft statutory instrument: The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022 which identifies the changes made by the Order.  Further information can be found in the Draft explanatory memorandum: The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2022.
Consolidated versions (indicating when the Air Navigation Order was last amended) will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available.
Dated: February 2022

Refreshed CAA Human Factors Action Plan
Revised Human Factors Action Plan for 2022-2024 now published in line with our Human factors strategy.
Download Human Factors: CAA Action Plan 2022-2021
Dated: December 2021

Deadline extension: Recognition of EASA Form 1
Update to the CAA website to change the deadline date for accepting EASA Form 1.
From 1 April 2022, UK owners/operators can only accept an EASA Form 1
from an EU/EASA approved maintenance organisation that has applied for a UK approval by 31 March 2022
Dated: November 2021

New AMC & GM – UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012 SERA
The CAA has published a revised package of acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012 the Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA).
The AMC and GM package can be found on the UK Regulations website and incorporates the recent amendment to the AMC and GM to SERA.6001 (see ORS9 CAA Decision No 9 published on 18 October 21) alongside an amendment to section 1.1.11 of Appendix 1 to AMC1 SERA.14001 which incorporates RT phraseology relating to movement area surface condition reporting to support the UK’s implementation of the ICAO Global Reporting Format (GRF).
Dated: October 2021

Upcoming changes to Aviation safety law
The CAA has updated its Safety Policy and Legislation tracker to include its Opinions to the Department for Transport on two further packages of changes to Aviation safety law. The Department for Transport has accepted these Opinions and is taking the steps necessary to implement changes to the relevant regulations via an upcoming Statutory Instrument.
We will update the Safety Policy and Legislation tracker once the amending Statutory Instrument is available. We will also update our Regulations page with consolidated versions of the amended regulations as soon as possible after each amendment comes into force.
Dated: October 2021

Upcoming changes to Aviation safety law
The CAA has updated its Safety Policy and Legislation tracker to include its Opinions to the Department for Transport on five packages of changes to Aviation safety law. The Department for Transport has accepted these Opinions and is taking the steps necessary to implement changes to the relevant regulations via an upcoming Statutory Instrument.
We will update the Safety Policy and Legislation tracker once the amending Statutory Instrument is available. We will also update our Regulations page with consolidated versions of the amended regulations as soon as possible after each amendment comes into force.
Dated: October 2021

Dangerous Goods Templates Updated
The latest ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air were effective from 1 January 2021 and introduced changes to both cargo and passenger operations.
Operators must provide instructions concerning dangerous goods in their operations manuals and maintain dangerous goods training programmes. Specimen manual entries reflecting the changes are published on the CAA website:
Templates for dangerous goods operations for UK aircraft operators | UK Civil Aviation Authority (
Dated: August 2021

AOC holders should draft amendments to their operations manual and send to [email protected] with a completed form SRG 1832. Where the training programme is subject to CAA approval this should also be submitted under the same process.

(UK) Part-MG Approved Organisations transitioning to a (UK) Part-CAMO approval
The UK CAA will release an exemption, pursuant to Article 71(1) of UK Reg (EU) No. 2018/1139 as retained (and amended in UK domestic law) under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, applicable to CAMO’s currently approved under (UK)Part-MG who have submitted their application to the CAA for a (UK)Part-CAMO approval by 24 September 2021.
The exemption will allow an approval issued in accordance with (UK)Part-MG to continue to be valid until 24th September 2022, subject to the conditions of the exemption.
Where no application has been received by 24 September 2021, the (UK)Part-MG approvals will become invalid.
Dated: June 2021

Update to CAP 747 – Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness
Issue 4 of CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness has been amended to include CAA ADs G-2021-0001 R1, G-2021-0002 R1, G-2021-0003 and G-2021-0004 in Section 2, Part 1 and to include the Decision not to Adopt FAA AD 2020-26-16 in Section 2, Part 2.
Section 1, Part 1 of CAP 747 provides flowcharts to assist in identifying the applicable mandatory requirements for airworthiness relating to your product.
The revision history in CAP 747 provides more details.
CAP 747 is available to download from the CAA website.
Dated: June 2021

The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2021
This SkyWise is to advise that The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No. 614) came into force on 16th July 2021. SI 2021 No. 614 makes amendments to:
UK Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (Air operations);
UK Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723 (Acceptance of third country certification of pilots); and
UK Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Aircrew).

For full details see The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021 No. 614) which identifies the changes made to each of those regulations. Further information can be found in the Explanatory Memorandum to the Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021.
Consolidated versions (indicating when the Regulation was last amended) will be published on the CAA website as soon as they are available.
Dated: June 2021

Alternative Means of Compliance (AltMoC)
We have published a new edition of CAP 1721 Alternative Means of Compliance.
The Revision history highlights the changes.
Dated: June 2021

Flight Crew and Cabin Crew – Before you go flying again
As aviation builds up again we’re all aware that this summer will be very different.
Even if you personally have remained operational during COVID-19 many of your colleagues and fellow professional across the industry won’t have been. This will impact us in many different ways, but most important is to be able to recognise any negative issues and be ready to act.
Your organisation should be working with you on a safe return to flying. To help with this we have produced some top level advice.
For details please see the COVID-19 guidance on the CAA website and the section called ‘helping to have the safest return to commercial flying’.
Dated: May 2021

CAP 999 Revision 3 
CAP 999 Helicopter SAR Operator National Approval Guidance updated to Revision 3
Dated: March 2021

Update to CAP 747 ‘Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness’
Issue 4 of CAP 747 ‘Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness’ has been published to reflect the fact that the UK leaves the European Union aviation system at 23.00 on 31 December 2020 and the CAA will no longer be a member of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
As a result, the CAA will take on State of Design responsibilities from EASA for products where the UK is State of Design. The CAA will be responsible for fulfilling the UK’s obligations as State of Design or Manufacture as specified in Annex 8 of the ICAO Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Section 1, Part 1 of CAP 747 provides new flowcharts to assist in identifying the applicable mandatory requirements for airworthiness relating to your product. The revision history in CAP 747 provides more details.
CAP 747 is available to download from the CAA website
Dated: December 2020

Requirements for Safety Managers Alternative Means of Compliance
The CAA has published Alternative AMC allowing Airline Safety Managers previously approved under the air operation rules (Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, as amended) to meet the qualification requirements of Part CAMO.
Dated: September 2020

Important Changes to Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 for approvals under Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M)
Regulation (EU) 2020/270 amended Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 and introduced important changes to organisations approved under Subpart G of Annex I (Part-M). This Skywise has been raised to highlight some of those changes:
The competent authority will not issue a new Part-MG approval after 24 September 2020.
Variations to existing Part-MG approvals can still be made after this date.
All Part-MG approvals are now valid until 24 September 2021.
Organisations wishing to remain approved under Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 after 24 September 2021 will need to transition to a Part-CAMO or Part-CAO approval prior to this date.
Dated: September 2020

Payment Plan for Annual Charges
We are constantly looking at ways to support the aviation sector in these unprecedented times. Our funding principles are underpinned by statute and legal obligation so we have not been able to waive any charges and are still required to issue invoices.
But we are now able offer a payment plan to cover 2020/2021 annual charges and spread the payments between now and the end of the February 2021. More information has been published on our COVID-19 web page. Please email [email protected] if you wish to apply.
Dated: June 2020

Part 147 Distance Learning Guidance
Guidance for approved Part 147 organisations wishing to conduct distance learning is available on the CAA website.
This new guidance material is intended to assist existing approved organisations under Part 147 who wish to incorporate new technologies and training methods for delivery of their approved courses. It defines the Authority’s expectations on how to meet the existing requirements of their training approval using revised training methodologies. This is only applicable for a defined period of 4 months, during the current restrictions encountered due to COVID-19 control measures.
Dated: May 2020

Part-CAMO application process
Following the introduction of Part CAMO under regulation EU 2019/1383 we have published guidance for all current Subpart G Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations about the transition process to Part CAMO.
This information will help organisations and personnel involved in managing complex motor-powered aircraft and Licenced Air Carriers to transition to the new requirements
Dated: May 2020

COVID-19 – Part 145.A.30(j)4 Pilot authorisation validity
In response to the exceptional circumstances caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Civil Aviation Authority is providing this alternative AMC to Part 145.A.30(j)4 for wherever normal Pilot Authorisation procedures cannot be followed.
Please see the CAA website for more information about this alternative AMC and the conditions that must be followed.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19: Use of callsign suffix ‘ALPHA’
With immediate effect, search and rescue flights using the ‘RESCUE’ callsign may be flown as flight priority category ‘A’. The callsigns of such flights will include the suffix ‘ALPHA’.
All other flights undertaken by HM Coastguard Helicopters will continue to use the RESCUE callsign.
Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 (CAP 493) Section 1, Chapter 4, para 10C ‘Flight Priority Categories’ refers.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19 – Validity of EASA Licences for pilots, instructors and examiners operating outside of AOC
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19 – Scope and validity period of Temporary Flight Crew Licensing Certificates
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19: EASA Guidance on Management of Crew Members
EASA has issued guidance on the management of crew during COVID-19.
EASA states that the guide is not mandatory, should not replace national policies and should be adapted to the operations taking place and the type of aircraft used.
The COVID-19 crisis is primarily a public health issue, therefore in the UK the directions provided by Public Health England (PHE) have primacy.
We will continue to work closely with operators so that they provide the appropriate level of protection for crew members.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19 – Exemption relating to packaging for biological substances, Category B, UN3373 samples
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19 – Installation of temporary separation barriers in aircraft used to transport key workers
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: April 2020

Quality system independent auditing during COVID-19
To enable organisations flexibility with regard to their internal Quality Audit plan, guidance has been provided to enable organisations to understand the various scenarios which exist when delaying any internal audit; its possible ramifications and where required seek CAA agreement.
Dated: April 2020

COVID-19 – Extension of validity periods for Licences, Ratings and Certificates
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Covid-19 Outbreak: Extension of Validity Periods for Licences, Ratings and Certificates of Aircrew, Instructors, Examiners, Aircraft Maintenance Licence Holders and Air Traffic Controllers (ORS4 No 1354)
Guidance for pilots and engineers about this exemption is available here.
Dated: March 2020

Carriage of potential COVID-19 patients
When carrying stretcher borne patients who are symptomatic of the virus there may be a benefit in installing a bio-containment system to protect the crews. We have put in place a specific process to enable operators to apply for the necessary airworthiness approval – the full details are available on our website.
Dated: March 2020

COVID-19 – Extension to BCAR Section L Licence Validity
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: March 2020

COVID-19 – Exemption: Requirement to carry original EASA ARC during all flights
The CAA has published the following exemption to support the industry through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Dated: March 2020

Update to CAP 747 – Mandatory requirements for Airworthiness
Issue 3, Amendment 2020/01 of CAP 747 “Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness” has been published to update Generic Requirements (GR) No 15, GR No 17 and GR No 24 to align with the introduction of Part M Light (Part-ML) under Regulation (EU) 2019/1383, which became applicable on 24 March 2020.
In addition, changes have been made to parts of Section 1 and Section 2 including an update to various references to the EU Regulations and UK ANO Articles as applicable at the date of publication.
The revision history in CAP 747 provides more details.
Dated: March 2020

New contaminated runway reporting system
On 5th November 2020 a new system of reporting runway contamination comes into force. Called the ICAO Global Reporting Format (GRF), the ICAO Aerodrome SARPs are in Annex 14, with additional guidance in the PANS Aerodromes Doc 9981 and Circular 355.
The GRF allows cross functional (Aerodromes, ATM and Flight operations) harmonisation and standardized reporting. November 2020 may seem a long way off, however aerodrome operators may wish to run parallel trials this coming winter, please let your aerodrome inspector know so that any lessons learned can be exchanged.
Dated: January 2020

Dangerous Goods Radiation Protection Programme
The transport of radioactive material as cargo must be subject to a Radiation Protection Programme (RPP), which must consist of systematic arrangements aimed at providing adequate consideration of radiation protection measures.
Operators that hold a dangerous goods approval and permit the transport of radioactive material should identify their RPP document reference and location within their Operations Manual, Part A, Section 9. The specimen operations manual entries published on the CAA website have been updated to refer to the need for an RPP.

AOC holders should draft amendments to their operations manual to include a reference to their RPP and send to [email protected] with a completed form SRG 1832.
Dated: October 2019

Part 145 – Applicability of AMC2 145.A.50(d) and Certification of Used Aircraft Components
We have published guidance on the applicability of AMC2 145.A.50(d) and Certification of Used Aircraft Components for Part 145 holders.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify the use of AMC2 145.A.50(d) so that the competent authority, installers and operators have confidence that used aircraft components have been satisfactorily removed from the aircraft, inspected, assessed and tested, as necessary, before being recertified and made eligible for installation on an aircraft registered in an EASA Member State.
Dated: August 2019

New Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Regulations
From the 9th July 2019, new rules came into effect on the use of EFB for CAT, NCC, SPO and NCO operators. The CAA instigated a new approval process which can be found on the CAA website. CAT operators must seek prior approval, and complete the EFB compliance checklist found in SRG1849.
NCC, SPO and NCO operators do not require approval but the SRG1849 will guide them to the appropriate regulations.
CAT operators already approved for EFB operations may continue to exercise this privilege but should complete the SRG1849 as a gap analysis to ensure compliance with the new regulations.
Dated: July 2019

Airlines and Foreign Carrier Permits
Football Charters
If you are intending to offer charter flights for the forthcoming Champions and Europa League finals in Madrid and Baku check you have, or can obtain, the necessary traffic rights first.
Dated: May 2019