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The Regulation Standing Committee is currently not in operation
Terms of Reference
1. Policy
There shall be a Regulation Standing Committee, that shall be responsible for researching matters referred to them by the Operational Safety Committee and to feed back information on changing regulations in the UK and Europe.
2. Membership
The Regulation Standing Committee is chaired by the nominated Chairman and if appropriate may have volunteers from the main committee to assist in the work.
Note: Members of this Standing Committee should be those officers and members with an interest in regulatory matters. The number of members will be decided by the Chairman of the Regulation Standing Committee.
3. The Role of the Regulation Standing Committee
The roll of the Regulation Standing Committee will be to research those areas as directed by the Operational Safety Committee and to produce their findings in a report.
4. Meetings and Agenda
The Regulation Standing Committee acquired information from attending other meetings and reports back every two months prior to the main meeting.
There is no formal Agenda.
Proposed Agenda (if required)
Apologies for absence
Approval of the RODS of the last meeting
Matters arising
Any other business (Pre-notified)
A record of the meeting (brief minutes) are to be made and sent to the Chief Executive for publication to members (as required).